American health care system

There is a highly held belief that the government could save between $100 and $200 billion dollars annually since it is spending 40% per capita that is higher than any industrialized country. At the same time the U. S. is lagging behind the other developed nations in many areas of health care simply because there is not a universal health care system and even those that are said to be covered could lack in some areas because the insurance companies have a say as to what kind of care the providers should give to the patients; their main priority being the cost involved.

Some areas the U. S. is lagging behind the other developed nations are child mortality, life expectancy for both men and women, immunization, and certain diseases such as coronary artery. At the same time there is a strong belief that in a universal health care system patients could have more visits and more hospital days as the focus would easily shift to quality of care instead of cost alone. Another reality to eliminate is the present health care system looks at income, hence race comes into the picture since the majority of minorities are low-income earners.

At the same time, eliminating the lineup of receiving medical care is possible since the underutilized capacity of the American medical system could cover more distance than it does currently since the cost had always been the priority. When it comes to efficiency there is a myth that the private sector would outdo the public sector, but that is not true according to various findings where the private sector spends around 20 and 30% on administration, whereas the administration cost for Medicare had been only 3%.

To make things worse close to 80% of the citizens and 70% of doctors had stated that managed care has compromised the quality of the American health care system. On the other hand it is always possible to keep the existing system to a avoid what is taking place currently where it is possible to say that there are not many governmental agencies that are run efficiently, which would mean any such an agency dealing with such a complex undertaking as health care will become cumbersome, overshadowing any of the positive advantages that could be attained.

While introducing the universal care system it is obvious that to cover the cost it requires raising tax, which would affect both individuals and businesses, and because of the staggering cost there might not be better alternative other than cutting on other essential services such as defense, education and the like. [3]

This means leaving the health care system as it is, by simply coming up with a solution to cover those who cannot afford to buy their own insurance, it would be possible to give enough breathing room for the government that can use the saved money for other more beneficial causes. And since it is the private sector that is carrying the brunt of the health care and it is solely motivated by profit making, it will always be careful and all unnecessary extravagant and frivolous claims will be under control, whereas in a universal system it will be easy to pass it on to the government run system.

As it had been witnessed in other countries that are providing a universal care system that are finding it difficult to cop with the cost, because patients turnout into hospitals is extraordinarily high simply because when the service is free people will not have the incentive to curb their need for medical care and the overall cost could become unmanageable.

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