Chapter 1 I. Introduction : Background of the study Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an incurable degenerative disease of the brain first described in 1906 by the German Neuropathologist Alois Alzheimer. Dr. Alzheimer found out that this disease is a common form of dementia in which the core symptom is memory loss. Other associated symptoms include impairments’ in language, abstract reasoning, and visual spatial abilities. Personality changes are common and range from apathy to restless agitation. Symptoms worsen every year, and death usually occurs within 10 years of initial onset.
: Background of the statement of the problem 1. What is Alzheimer’s disease? People where not normally aware of having this kind of disease because they weren’t that conscious of this abnormality. Doctor’s know this disease but they don’t give much attention to it even they knew the said disorder. 2. What is the Cause of Alzheimer’s disease? The cause of it is still unknown but there are several theories that are being studied, none are definitive. 3. What is the signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease?
Still people are not aware of the signs and symptoms for there are some similarities on the other kind of disorders. 4. What is the treatment or the cure for Alzheimer’s disease? Until this present year there is no cure for the said disease though there are some scientists consider “ginkgo biloba” as a primary treatment to slow down the progress of the disorder. : Objectives I. Introduction Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible type of dementia characterized by progressive impairments’ of memory, recognition, personality, language. Although Alzheimer’s may begin as early as age 40, it is more prevalent in the age.
There is atrophy of the cerebral cortex where the brain is slowly shrinking and it will lower its function because the neurotransmitters will slowly die and won’t regenerate due to older age. A form of dementia that will trigger older people who has age 60 and above. However, some of the victims has the age of 40 and above. In some cases, people who has Alzheimer’s disease has such symptoms that are tolerable and are seen. This disease could affect people’s social and normal work due to forgetfulness and may never even get home from office.
II. Causes The cause of this disease is still on the process of finding it but there are theories about the said disease. Some of those are due to age, genetic inheritance, and environmental causes. Age may be the greatest risk factor because Alzheimer’s disease trigger people who are in the long run of age that are 60 years old and over. Heredity seems to play some part, since a family member of an Alzheimer’s victim is more likely than others to develop the condition. But in some point it would be less to acquire the disease.
Environmental factor or theory such as the two common elements aluminum and silicon, are found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. These minerals can be neurotoxic, are found to be increased the Alzheimer’s disease brain, but no connecting link has yet been found. Some theory said that hardening of the artery may one of the cause but it is generally agreed that it is not a cause. The disease does not appear to be contagious, nor it is emotional stress so nothing to worry about. III. Signs and Symptoms The Signs and Symptoms of the disease is very tricky since the lapses of the memory may happen to anyone.
But on Alzheimer’s disease the lapses is different because it is too much to be seen that it happens all the time even though a single information may be forgotten. As the disease progresses, the victim of Alzheimer’s disease becomes confused, frustrated, and irritable. Although at first the person seems physically unaffected by the disease, as the condition advances the patient becomes restless, always moving about, and must be watched so that he does not wander away or into danger. Some victims of Alzheimer’s disease may become extremely agitated with little or no provocation.
The disease may cut life expectancy by contributing death from another cause, such as pneumonia or heat or kidney failure. Some of the symptoms maybe or cannot be seen in such cases that there are similarities in some common problems of people such as forgetfulness. IV. Treatment and Cure There is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease. However, there is a research about a tree of ‘ginkgo biloba’ that can slow the progress of the symptoms. But medical science is still on the run of their research on preventing the said disease. Medication may also help to improve sleeping patterns and treat depression caused by the disease.
At times, tranquilizers can lessen agitation and anxiety and reduce the incidence of undesirable behavior. As cure of the patient becomes difficult, i may be best to move the patient to a healthy facility where a professional staff can provide around-the-clock case. ; Significance Having a hard time study for this research has a main and object able reason. People are not aware of this disease though some of them have a little stock knowledge about it still there is that big reason to study Alzheimer’s disease. This is very important in order to inform or make awareness to the people.
This is not just a disorder that can be given an immediate cure. So people must be aware about this. Chapter 2 Summary of related Literature It is said that Alzheimer’s disease is a common form of dementia. An incurable degenerative disease of the brain. This causes thinking and memory to become seriously impaired. During the course of the disease there is a presence of tangles of fibers within the nerve cells and of senile plaques. About the cause of it, it is still unknown. So far, no one single factor has been identified as a cause for Alzheimer’s disease.
It is likely that a combination of the factors, including age, genetic inheritance, environmental factors. Age is the greatest risk factor that could cause Alzheimer’s disease. It may occur during age above 65. Never the less this may occur too to people who are under age of 65. Many people had acquired or inherited Alzheimer’s disease. However, the effect of inheritance seems to be small. If a parent or other relative has Alzheimer’s disease, your own chances of developing the disease are only a little higher than if there were no cases of Alzheimer’s in the immediate family.
Environmental theory such as infectious agents where he possible association between Alzheimer’s disease histopathology and several viral agents, including herpes and rabies. The signs and symptoms vary considerably from one person to another and may occur days or months apart. They begin with small memory lapses, almost first involving loss of recall for resent events. Eventually, the gaps in memory and the failure to recognize friends and family members interfere with the individual’s normal work and social life. No cure for it but a temporary treatment was discovered but still on the go of under research.
Chapter 3 Methodology To do the research, the first thing is first find a title for your research. Second, make a statement of the problem. Third, Find an answer for those subjective for your basis during defense. Make sure that on your research you have references in order for you to defend the study and to have a evidence that your study is supported by those references you have. Fundamentals of Nursing Concepts, Process, and Practice, Barbara Kozier; Glemora Erlo; Audrey Berman; Shirlee Snyder, 2004. Alzheimer’s Disease.