Alzheimer Disease

Question 1. In this day of age education is everything. To the corporate jobs, government jobs, or even small business are all driven through the power of education. It has become the top priority to landing a successful job, with a well deserving pay. It was once said that “education is the key to success. ” Education does not discriminate against sex, the color of your skin, or even your age. In this example Ms. Natale is a 73 year old woman who is thinking about going back to school to finish her Bachelor’s.

She has everything in life that she needs whether it be friends, family or even financial stability. The only thing that’s missing from the picture is education; and Ms. Natale has the power to change that. Even though she is an elderly woman there is nothing in the world that can stop her from going back to school. She might face some obstacles along the road to completing her degree but at the end no matter how old one is there age is not specified on their degree. There could be a number of reasons why Ms. Natale did not finish school in her early years. Nevertheless Ms.

Natale decided to go back to school for many reasons as well. One of the reasons to earning a college degree is that it separates you from the average person intellectually. Most people who earn a college degree can have an astonishing impact in their community and in the world. And in this example the idea of Ms. Natale going back to school at the age of 73 can have a positive impact on people who are thinking about going back to school and can be a very good example for those who have doubts in finishing up what they started even if their age is not ideal.

This idea contributes to successful aging tremendously because it changes the perspective of society; that is old people are no longer burdens but rather could be an attribute to society. It helps realize the fact that people can achieve their goals and be successful. It disproves the fact that age is a barrier that is standing in our way to be successful. The perception that older people don’t really have intellectual capacity to learn new things and achieve their goals in my opinion is inaccurate.

Throughout the years scientists and studies have supported that older people have just as much a shot to getting their degrees as a normal person would. In my opinion older people not only have the capacity to learn new things but have the advantage to grasp so many new things because they have experienced and learned a lot in their years. Though it may true that older people may struggle with the physical strength due to their age they can overcome those problems by taking advantage of the online classes that is offered by thousands of universities.

I also believe that older people capable of learning new things and coming up with “new tricks” to be successful. Question 2. Dementia is an unfortunate mental disorder that is quite common in adults over the age of 65. There are several types of dementia, “Senile dementia of the Alzheimer’s type (SDAT), or Alzheimer’s disease, is the most common cause of irreversible dementia of old age, accounting for two thirds of all dementia conditions” (Moody, Sasser 138). Sam’s father is most likely developing Alzheimer’s disease.

Sam mentioned that his father is forget in where he places objects, he is becoming confused or wandering, and is starting to forget names of his close friends. All of the symptoms that Sam’s father is experiencing is consistent with an Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis. “The most common early symptom of Alzheimer’s is difficulty remembering newly learned information because Alzheimer’s changes typically begin in the part of the brain that affects learning” (Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia). In general it is quite difficult to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.

“A definitive diagnosis of Alzheimer’s is difficult, and confirmation usually can be made only upon autopsy” (Moody, Sasser 138). Luckily throughout the years doctors have developed ways to help determine if a patient has dementia. This is done through simple memory tests and problem solving tests. Another more formal way to assess dementia would be using the Folstein Mini-Mental State Exam. It is important to see a doctor as soon as possible because not all elderly develop dementia or any other mental disorder. Unfortunately there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.

“Alzheimer’s is a disease caused by deterioration of brain cells” (Moody, Sasser 138). Currently we have no way to help replenish brain cells. The medication available on the market only regulate neurotransmitters, which would temporarily help in maintaining cognitive function or with behavioral problems, but the disease is still there. The best way to manage problematic behavior would be to check your loved one into a professional nursing home. In the later stages of the disease the adult may have problems with dressing, bathing and other every day activities.

In the later stages of the disease Sam may have problems fully caring for his father. His father will lose the ability to do everyday tasks. If Sam isn’t around to care for his father it will be quite problematic. Taking care of someone with stage 6 or 7 Alzheimer’s should be left to nurses in a nursing home. The nurses have only one job and that is to provide for the patients. If Sam has a job or any other commitments he will not be able to take care of his father. His father will not be able to eat food or use the toilet on his own.

His father may not have full control over his bowels or bladder, he may not be able to dress himself or tend to his father in the middle of the night due to being restless. Sam’s best choice would be to take care of his in the early stages but in the later stages he should looking into a nursing home for his father.

References “Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia | Alzheimer’s Association. ” Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia | Alzheimer’s Association. Alzheimer’s Association, n. d. Web. 09 Dec. 2013. Moody, Harry R. , and Jennifer R. Sasser. Aging: Concepts and Controversies. Los Angeles, CA: Sage, 2012. Print.

Question 1. In this day of age education is everything. To the corporate jobs, government jobs, or even small business are all driven through the power of education. It has become the top priority to landing a successful job, with …

Dementia Dementia isn’t a specific disease. Instead, dementia describes a group of symptoms affecting thinking and social abilities severely enough to interfere with daily functioning. Dementia involves damage of nerve cells in the brain, which may occur in several areas …

Specific Purpose: To help my audience understand what Alzheimer’s Disease is. Thesis Statement: The need to educate people on Alzheimer’s Disease for family members or friends in-case a loved one is diagnosed. Introduction: A. What would one do if their …

Specific Purpose: To help my audience understand what Alzheimer’s Disease is. Thesis Statement: The need to educate people on Alzheimer’s Disease for family members or friends in-case a loved one is diagnosed. Introduction: A. What would one do if their …

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