Alternative medicine

Alternative medicine practices are used instead of standard medical treatments. Alternative medicine is distinct from complementary medicine which is meant to accompany, not to replace, standard medical practices. Alternative medical practices are generally not recognized by the medical community as standard or conventional medical approaches. Alternative medicine includes dietary supplements, megadose vitamins, herbal preparations, specialties, massage therapy, magnet therapy, and spiritual healing.

But what makes it the same is when standard treatment that was acceptable to medical prctitioner was not responding to ur disease and the endpoint is to try alternative medicine. Technology that surrounds everyone in the current civilization, affects your mind, work and even lifestyle. Technology has many positive aspects, but using it the wrong way could be dangerous. It could be used as another form of communication and exchange of information, which was not available before, that is both good and bad. Technology is a valuable tool, but is somewhat misused by today’s society.

The main group that has been affected the most by technology these days is teenagers. The two main forms of technology affecting our teenagers are cell phones and the Internet, which have brought major changes to their lifestyle. Because of technology teenagers dont easily believe on alternative medicine bc0z their world is much bigger through internet, they can google first to search for the alternative treatments or seek advice to their friends or followers on social networking that make it different between teenagers before.

Its either your an oldie or a techy person when the doctors dont accept you anymore, you will still find a way to cure your disease even if its not acceptble to the hospital. Because if you want to live longer and be with your family you will find a way. More people are using alternative medicine, using alternative medicine takes the body longer to heal than conventional medicine, alternative medicine is used more today building our immune system using natural remedies. Without the use of expensive prescription drugs we can heal, repair, and restore our body.

Every day our body encounters challenges with these challenges society needs to keep in mind that the immune system needs to stay strong. Alternative medicine uses natural remedies many use, herbal medicine to fight against infectious diseases killing germs and viruses they strengthening the immune system. People have been using herbal medicine since the dawn of time. Many people are addicted to prescription drugs. The side effects from prescription drugs can make you very ill and have been known to cause death.

The lack of diagnosis of the patient along with what the patient needs have caused many deaths because drugs were prescribed. Conventional medication uses chemicals may become life threatening or it could have life altering side effects! The pharmaceutical industry pushes for prescriptions’ the industry wants you to use their medicine, trying to keep alternative methods from being taught. The media provides information on conventional medicine this gives society information on over the counter and prescription drug, while there is little information given on alternative medicine.

Alternative medicine relies on natural substances making it much healthier to use with little side effects. There are many methods used to heal the body such as eating healthy foods to get your vitamin intake for your immune system to avoid using prescriptions. Acupuncture helps relieve pain. Yoga and aromatherapy are good for stress. Alternative medicine stimulates the body’s healing process the whole body is treated, and the cause is addressed. That is why a whole regimen is sometimes prescribed. Exercises, and an herbal remedy along with dietary will give you have…

Growing up in a family that has been using herbal medicine for years became a motivation for me to further my knowledge of this ancient practice of alternative medicine . The world health organization has announced that about 65 and …

In our world today the use of (CAM) complementary and alternative medicine is increasing tremendously where people are looking out for new health care systems that are less harmful to the human body and do not involve the use of …

Growing up in a family that has been using herbal medicine for years became a motivation for me to further my knowledge of this ancient practice of alternative medicine . The world health organization has announced that about 65 and …

The term ‘alternative medicine’ that is so commonly used today is somewhat unsuitable since that would seem to indicate that it is a form of treatment departing from so-called ‘traditional’ scientific practices and is just a possibility for a new …

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