All children to be healthy

Many organisations undertake measures to ensure fairness such as “Every child matters”, “Sport England”, “Department for culture, media and sport DCMS”, and laws and regulations. Also the Council at present is an equal opportunity employer, which is committed to identifying and breaking down any discriminative barriers. An example of equal opportunities could be a leisure centre having the correct facilities therefore making the centre accessible to everyone for example making physical amendments to the building such as having wheelchair ramps, lifts and specialist equipment such as a pool hoist they should also advertise activities and events sufficiently and appropriately making sure they appeal to people are put in places they regularly go so the event doesn’t go unnoticed and making sure the advertisement doesn’t discriminate against anyone.

Clubs should promote fair play and barriers should be taken into consideration such as cultural influences, financial issues, transport, age etc and they should work to break down these barriers so activities are accessible to everyone. Coaches shouldn’t discriminate against participants for e.g. sexual discrimination and racism etc is unacceptable. Legislations related to equal opportunities include the “Equal Pay Act 1970” Sport England, have produced an “Equality Action Plan for London” that aims to increase participation, widen access to sport and physical activity, and tackle discrimination and barriers to sport.

Every Child Matters is an organisation that has been set up to try and support every child in England from 0-19years. It is funded by the government that tries to get children involved in issues that are happening around them in society. The government’s aim for every child to have the support they need. So they want all children to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution, and achieve economic wellbeing. They then work to try and improve the way that they live in their local areas.

Organisations involved with providing services to children are teaming up in new ways to help children achieve and protect them from harm. For example DCMS the Department of Culture, Media and Sport help promote activities and get children involved they are committed to providing access to sport and work to encourage the take-up of sport across communities and by children and young people in particular, the Children’s Fund that was launched that was launched in November 2000 aims to identify young people at risk of social exclusion and help them achieve their goal and Culture, sport and play have a unique role to play in helping to deliver every child matters: change for children agenda, by being key partners in children’s trust, supporting families and promoting diversity and reaching children through out- of school activities.

Their aim is to make it easier for children to access facilities that offer culture, sport and play, therefore making it easier for them to develop their interests and talents. They do this by contributing to young peoples plans, supporting families that need it, getting young people involved in positive out of school activities and making activities for young people enjoyable, helping them achieve personal goals and play a positive role in society.

A similar case study was done on two Czechoslovakian twins who underwent similar experiences to Genie, being locked in a cellar for five-and-a-half years. Unlike Genie once they had received special treatment for their under development they developed normally and …

Most of the studies reported so far have looked at perceptions of health among children without significant health problems or special needs. Others, however, have examined the reality of health for young people with more specific concerns. Rushforth (1999), reviewed …

It is a requirement of the CCYP to monitor and audit compliance of employers and other related bodies with the employment screening requirements of the legislation. The Act establishes strict confidentiality arrangements in relation to all information obtained during the screening …

Knowledge of their sport is self explanatory. Tony was an ex pro at Hull FC and Scarborough FC. He already has experience. Sir Alex was a pro in Scotland. It is very rare to find a football coach that has …

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