Alberta and the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan

Healthcare system in Alberta is under the Canada Health Act with full responsibility delegated to the Ministry of Health of Alberta. It is governed under Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP). The policy provides physician and specific dental and oral surgical health services to the residents of Alberta. Those who enrolled under this plan have two premiums, if they have not qualified for full premium assistance. There are two premium rates – for a single person, coverage is $44 per month; and, for family, coverage is $88 per month.

These premiums can be directly by the individual or through the employer/union. Premium assistance is available to the seniors and they are exempted form paying the AHCIP Premiums. The scheme offers two Premium Assistance Programs to the Lower-income individuals/families, namely the Premium Subsidy and Waiver of Premiums program. Lower-income Albertans may apply for such premium assistance programs with eligibility decided upon by the authorities.

All Alberta residents can apply for these premiums but apparently, if the applicant has not lived in Alberta for 12 consecutive months; or is exempt from paying income tax for religious, charitable or communal reasons; or is a student from another country but temporarily lives in Canada; or is a senior person who is more than 65 years age (because these citizens are eligible to apply for premium subsidy; or is an individual on holiday in Canada and not working by choice, they cannot be granted the premiums.

The province offers all health care benefits, which are mentioned under the Canada Health Act for which Regional Health Authorities and provincial board will govern. The Regional Health Authorities will provide acute care, community rehabilitation services, emergency health services, Health link, Home care and other community based services, preferred accommodation and non standard goods or services, long term care and public health services as part of the Health Care Policy.

The scheme offers two premium assistance programs to the Lower-income individuals/families. The schemes are Premium Subsidy program and Waiver of Premiums program. The eligible lower income Albertans may apply for such premium assistance programs. All residents of Alberta are eligible …

The insured hospital services delivered through nine District Health Authorities and the IWK health center. At present more than 35 facilities are being provided. INPATIENT SERVICES 1. Accommodation and means at the standard ward level 2. Necessary nursing services 3. …

Especially, children the dental services are provided under Children’s Dental Health program. The eligible children who are under the age of 12 years old and as well as 13 to 17 years old who lives with low income. The families …

The Massachusetts health plan is decidedly different from that of Great Britain and Canada. The main distinction is that while the health care systems of Canada and Great Britain are publicly funded, under the Massachusetts system, health care is provided …

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