AIDS: impacts escalate from families to the world

For over three decades, the HIV virus has run rampant across the globe. At first, the HIV virus appears harmless. It does not bring about immediate impending death or even directly harsh and noticeable symptoms. Unlike that of the dreaded avian bird flu virus which killed several people in Asia with in a matter of days, AIDS can afflict a body for over a decade before death ensues. The HIV virus transmits itself through contact with body fluids. This means that those drug users who share needles have increased risk of contracting AIDS. HIV also passes from an infected mother to unborn child.

Unfortunately the threat of contracting AIDS increasingly impacts the world as lack of funding and education lead to misinformed populations. This increasing epidemic also leads to burn out for those social workers who work with HIV and AIDS clients as illness draws on for long periods of time. When dealing with clients who have contracted the HIV virus, social workers have to prepare themselves to help individuals who have terminal illness that can last for years. When dealing with people that have such high healthcare demands but also bleak outlooks and prognoses, a social worker can become discouraged quickly.

Clients who continue substance abuse can also cause concern for social workers. Those patrons who refuse to give up their drug habits make care giving even more challenging for the social worker as they battle two or three problems instead of just one. Some of the indicators of burnout in the social worker can include muscle tension, high blood pressure, irritability, fatigue and other components of accumulated stress. I have experienced stress in my own professional career when trying to combine work hours along with continued education.

I would get tension headaches and have painful back muscles from the stress. To rejuvenate myself I would practice relaxation methods such as meditation, drinking non-caffeinated beverages after work, exercising, and journaling. These helped me get away from the stressors of work for a short period of time and focus more on myself and my own needs. Over all the HIV virus has caused a great deal of substantial and devastating impacts worldwide. Men, who act as the financial backbone of the families fall ill and can no longer provide for their families needs.

The women often spend time caring for their ailing husbands and children rather than obtaining jobs for needed income. All of this can lead to poverty, hardship, and in the end death. These issues can compound and afflict a social worker with burnout. Avoiding burnout with proper stress management techniques can help ensure the well being of the worker and continued care for the clients.


“On the Socioeconomic Impact of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic. ” Population and Development Review 27. 3 (2001): 619+. Questia. 1 July 2006 <http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=5000917239>.

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