Aids: aids and family member

There are many ways to be diagnosed with AIDS, but the most common test is an ELISA (Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) test. This test checks if antibodies for AIDS are present, if so, the test is positive. Although there is no cure now for AIDS, medicine has come a long way since people with AIDS died within weeks. Now they offer treatment for HIV/AIDS HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy) is the most used treatment as it suppresses the HIV/AIDS virus and keeps the CD4+ T-cells above 200/mm3.

There are many ways to be diagnosed with AIDS, but the most common test is an ELISA (Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) test. This test checks if antibodies for AIDS are present, if so, the test is positive. Although there is no cure now for AIDS, medicine has come a long way since people with AIDS died within weeks. Now they offer treatment for HIV/AIDS HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy) is the most used treatment as it suppresses the HIV/AIDS virus and keeps the CD4+ T-cells above 200/mm3 Diagnosis, prognosis and treatments. Diagnosis, prognosis and treatments.

AIDS is first caused by having HIV. Ways to get HIV are: Having unprotected sex, (any kind without using a condom,) sharing used needles with someone already infected, receiving a blood transfusion with someone that has HIV, or if you are born to a mother with HIV. AIDS is first caused by having HIV. Ways to get HIV are: Having unprotected sex, (any kind without using a condom,) sharing used needles with someone already infected, receiving a blood transfusion with someone that has HIV, or if you are born to a mother with HIV. AIDS Acquired immune deficiency sydrome AIDS.

Acquired immune deficiency sydrome Human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, is the virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or AIDS. The way this happens is that HIV destroys the persons CD4+ T-Cells. Doing so abates a person’s ability to fight infections such as cancer. A normal healthy person has around 800-1200 CD4+ T-cells for every cubic millimeter of blood. Some people infected with AIDS have less than 200 CD4+ T-cells in their whole body. Although it takes about 10 years for HIV to progress to AIDS, it is still suggested to have a healthy life while having HIV.

Again, the only way to get HIV/AIDS is to be in contact with another’s bodily fluids in you, whether it be through unprotected sex, sharing needles while using drugs, receiving a blood transfusion from someone who has HIV/AIDS, or if you are born from a mother with HIV/AIDS. Human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, is the virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or AIDS. The way this happens is that HIV destroys the persons CD4+ T-Cells. Doing so abates a person’s ability to fight infections such as cancer.

A normal healthy person has around 800-1200 CD4+ T-cells for every cubic millimeter of blood. Some people infected with AIDS have less than 200 CD4+ T-cells in their whole body. Although it takes about 10 years for HIV to progress to AIDS, it is still suggested to have a healthy life while having HIV. Again, the only way to get HIV/AIDS is to be in contact with another’s bodily fluids in you, whether it be through unprotected sex, sharing needles while using drugs, receiving a blood transfusion from someone who has HIV/AIDS, or if you are born from a mother with HIV/AIDS.

Studies have shown that people at risk are: Ethic minorities (such as African-Americans, Mexicans, and Asians,) injection drug users, youth, older people, and homosexuals. Ways to avoid getting AIDS are simple: practicing safe sex if someone’s status is unknown, not using needles and staying away from drugs completely, and avoid sharing personal items such as razors and toothbrushes as they contain blood. Doing this can prevent getting AIDS.

Studies have shown that people at risk are: Ethic minorities (such as African-Americans, Mexicans, and Asians,) injection drug users, youth, older people, and homosexuals. Ways to avoid getting AIDS are simple: practicing safe sex if someone’s status is unknown, not using needles and staying away from drugs completely, and avoid sharing personal items such as razors and toothbrushes as they contain blood. Doing this can prevent getting AIDS. What it really is, causes, and risks What it really is, causes, and risks AIDS: more in depth AIDS: more in depth.

HIV/AIDS In our world, today there are all types of infectious diseases that are treatable and untreatable. For HIV and AIDS there is no cure, but the expert has been researching for years, and they have not come up with …

Effects of Aids There are many factors that cause Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). AIDS is a disease caused by a virus called HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). First of all, HIV is caused by having sex through unprotected sex with …

AIDS means acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. AIDS is past from person to person. The disease attacks the immune system which is not strong enough to fight this deadly disease. The AIDS disease has a number of symptoms and conditions that come …

In biological terms, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) have very complicated definitions that are confusing to someone not trained in medical science. However, the United States’ Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides a …

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