Aid in Africa

What is aids? Aids is a disease caused by a virus called HIV. Then the Hiv interferes with your body’s ability to fight the organism that cause the other disease such as cancer, tuberculosis. Something very peculiar about this illness, there is no cure for aids, but there are medication that can dramacally slow the progression of the disease. So what is the relation of aids and Africa? Because 65% of the world estimate 40 million people living with Aids are located in Africa. That mean that Africa has the highest level of aids disease compare with another continent.

First I want to talk about the history of it. History part Origin When it started? This is a mystery there is no specific time when it started. And how? There is two theory. But something that the scientists are pretty sure of the hiv is a virus come from monkey. The first theory It’s said that the virus HIV was transferred to human as a result of contact with infected monkey blood during killing. But the second theory It’s said that the virus was transmitted via medical experiment. Dr. Hillary Kaprosky is consider the one who invented the polio vaccine.

But what happen??? During the first year of research. He discover in order to be effective the vaccine. They inject the virus into monkey then they extract the two organ in the backside of the monkey to produce the polio vaccine. Than this polio vaccine was apply almost a million of people in Congo. After 3 years later, hundreds of people died with unknown cause. Timeline 1952- Appear the aids. 1965- Appear the first case in the west Africa 1979- appear the first case in USA with a couple of gay in New York and California. 1980- The aids was reported in European Country.

1981- Discover the virus HIV as the cause of AIDS. Cause. How does HIV become Aids? HIV destroys CD4 cell- a specific type of white blood cell that plays a large role in helping your body fight disease. So you can have an HIV infection for years before it progress to aids. How HIV is transmitted? To became infected with HIV, infected blood, simen must enter your body. You can’t be infected through oirdinary contact- hugging, kissing You can be infected with HIV in several ways -During sex -Blood transfusion -From mother to child Consequences Death.

I have already said that there is no cure for HIV/ AIDS, but there are medication, that can slow down the progress of the disease but finally it turn to death is just the matter of time. Impact in Africa society The impact of HIV is not just in term of heath sector : household, school, workplace, and economiy has also been badly affected. -For example in the south part of Africa, people with HIV occupy more than half of all hospital bed. One case , in Botswana 17% of the healthcare professionals was infeted with hiv. -The illness or death of teacher is a huge problems in Africa.

Most of the school just depend on one or two teacher. For example in Tanzania, in 2006 they need additional 45000 teacher to make up for those who died or left work because of HIV. -Household Aids affect family because one or both parents die with the disease and the child are sent to relative for care who may have the disease too. Parties involve Organization. UnAIDS Africa aids organization Grace Africa. Those three organization have the same objective to help people who suffered aids disease giving them medicine, economic assist and child who are orphan giving them food and education and emotional support.

Type of organization Organization work with government Organization work at the local level. Critics said which I agree that the organization giving money to the government doesn’t work because for two reasons. The government don’t have the organization to do the effective job and secondly because of corruption. As for organization who work at local level there program are more successful. Because they know what to do and how to doed. They have experience. They motive to help people.

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