After graduating from nursing

The focused interview also looked on whether their current jobs are the first positions that the respondents had after graduating from nursing. The responses of the focused interview participants are shown in Table 4 and Chart 4. Based on the two figures below, the focused interview results show that twenty-two respondents (88%) said that this is indeed their first position after their graduation. On the other hand, only three respondents or 12% of the entire population said that this is not their first position. The focused interview also looked into the formal orientation program received by the respondents.

Fortunately, almost all of them (twenty one out of twenty five respondents or 84%) went through the formal orientation program. However, the length of this program varies from one person to another. Of these twenty one respondents, five respondents (24%) were in the program for 6 weeks (one and a half months); six (28%) for two months; two (10%) for three months; five (24%) for six months and; three (14%) for a year. The Tables and Charts below summarize the information that the researcher received in looking into undergoing a formal orientation program as one of the factors of professional competence.

However, there were some respondents who reported that the length of their formal orientation programs has been reduced. Two respondents said that they were supposed to receive longer periods of formal orientation program, working with an experienced RN. However, both only got a shorter period because the hospital needed them during the time when it experienced short staffing. Another respondent mentions that she was also supposed to receive a longer period of formal orientation program, but since her mentor got sick, she was thrown out on her own.

On the other hand, those who did not receive a formal orientation program said that they were no longer required to undergo such as they had previously worked in a particular hospital as aids. Mentors and Formal orientation programs are also very important in the analysis of the self-reported professional competence of the respondents of this study due to the fact that this aided them greatly in their transition from novice nurses to expert, skilled professionals in the field of nursing.

In the same manner, as the respondents mentioned, the most important role played the mentors and these formal orientation programs is their ability to guide the nurses in incorporating theories into practice. Although majority of the respondents have undergone a fairly long formal orientation program, almost all of them were not given mentors once they came of that particular program. In fact only four out of the twenty five respondents (16%) said that a mentor has been assigned to them right after they finish the formal orientation program whilst the majority (twenty one respondents or 84%) said that mentors were not provided for them.

This is summarized in table 7 and chart 7 (below). Majority of the respondents said that due to the fact that most hospitals are understaffed, they could no longer provide their new nurses with mentors that could guide them in the day-to-day activities inside the hospitals considering their newness as they just got off the formal orientation program. Two respondents mentioned that having no one to turn to, just like a mentor, on their first few days on the job could be quite terrifying as they are not that practiced yet. As a result, they resort to giving up as an option.

In fact, one of the respondents who mentioned this cited this particular reason as the factor which influenced her greatly in quitting her first job. However, the other respondents note that despite the absence of a mentor who could guide them once they got off the formal orientation program, they make it a point to befriend other nurses and keep communication lines open with their previous preceptors so as to assure that they could throw their questions to these people just in case the situation calls for them to do so.

The next question from the focused interviews looked into the confidence of the respondents on their educational preparation in preparing for their practice upon their passage of the state boards. Table 8. Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Yes 17 70. 0 70. 0 70. 0 No 3 13. 0 13. 0 83. 0 Yes and No 4 17. 0 17. 0 100. 0 Total 25 100. 0 100. 0 Frequency and Percentage Breakdown: Confidence on Educational Preparation Chart 8. Confidence on Educational Perception

As shown in the two figures above, majority of the respondents (seventeen out of twenty five or 70%) are confident about their educational preparation for embarking on their practice upon their passage of the state boards while only three respondents (13%) said that they are not confident about their educational preparation. On the other hand, there are four respondents (17%) who answered “Yes and No” to the question. According to their responses, these participants believe that they were prepared when it comes to the theories but did not get the training they need to function properly as nurses.

For instance, they believe that their critical thinking skills have not been really enhanced. As a result, they tend to feel stupid while on the job. In the same manner, these respondents also felt that they could have learned more if only their time was not wasted on irrelevant subjects. One respondent said that she had to take Nursing Management while in school. However, she feels that this is not necessary as she is not interested on becoming a manager. Rather, she felt that a more relevant subject should replace this in order to prepare her for what her job as a nurse would entail.

The lack of confidence that one has regarding their education is due to the wide theory-practice gap that they experience while they are still in school. This basically is one of the most important aspects that this paper would focus on due to the fact that respondents recognize that their education lacked the most essential things that would help them in their preparation for their practice. Apparently, they mentioned that their education only focused on theories and other “textbook stuff. ”

Another subject of the interview was whether or not the respondents are continuing their studies whether formally or informally. Formal education means that the students enroll in degrees that could help them in their practice which may include the pursuance of a bachelor’s degree in nursing for those who are only LPNs or RPNs. On the other hand, the informal means of education include every single of way of learning that happens without the enrolment in a school or other institutions of learning.

The informal means of continuing education usually include the following: subscription to nursing journals, attendance in national conferences or workshops, and even just through questioning one’s colleagues and other healthcare professionals Table 9. Many respondents also consider learning from their everyday experiences as an essential part of their learning processes. Frequency and Percentage Breakdown: Advanced Nursing Education Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Yes 20 80. 0 80. 0 80. 0 No 5 20.

0 20. 0 100. 0 Total 25 100. 0 100. 0 Chart 9. Advanced Nursing Education Twenty out of twenty five respondents (80%) said that they are in the process of advancing their nursing education while only five respondents (5%) say that they do not. However, the manner by which the twenty respondents continue their education differs. According to the results of the focused interview, only eleven undergo formal education. These respondents are currently taking up their BSN while others have already been certified nurses.

On the other hand, the nine other respondents study on their own, through their subscription from nursing journals, attendance in national conferences and other workshops, health magazines, etc. Those who are no longer advancing their nursing education mentioned that the reason behind this is their work schedule. Apparently, they do not have the time to pursue their studies since they are always needed at the hospitals where they are working in. Also, they would rather rest upon getting home or attend to the needs of their family after their shift.

As pointed out in Chapter Two of this research, the education being received by the nurses of today is quite limited; often restricted to the confines of books, but never incorporates practice into it. Truly, nursing should be taught in …

Table 4 and Chart 4 gives a clear picture of the number of nursing graduates who undergo a formal education program so as to ensure that they are really prepared to practice what they have learned in school. The length …

On the onset of the program, the research must look for prospective subject such as a nursing school or health care institutions which have a valid sample of 50 mentors and their mentees. Depending on what kind of mentoring approaches …

The recent change in health care reform (2010), Affordable Care Act (ACA), has increase the demand in quality, safe, affordable, patient-centered and accessible care in the areas of community and public health and geriatrics. To be successful with this reform, …

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