Aerobic fitness and muscular endurance

I feel that during the expedition, I lacked good balance. This hampered my movements greatly and also affected the speed at which I walked or climbed. While going downhill, I nearly lost balance completely several times, this meant that I had to slow down and take extra care of my movements. I feel that if I become well balanced, I will also be able to improve my speed, agility and coordination to a greater extent. I can improve this with regular yoga, and various exercises in yoga that are meant for balancing. With regular practice I am sure I will soon overcome all these problems.

Analysis Of Skills and Techniques NAVIGATION- I believe that I was able to navigate myself along a chosen bearing with ease. The bearings I recorded on the map were accurate, which helped in navigating our way through the forest reserve. When taking the bearing of a visual lock, I usually stood in the correct posture with the base plate held flat on my palm against my chest; this enabled me to take accurate readings. I was also able to follow a particular bearing with ease.

BACKPACKING- After the expedition, I felt that I could have packed my backpack in a better manner, since I suffered from aches and pains in my back during and after the expedition. This could have been caused by the backpack being badly balanced, however, it did appear to be balanced when I checked it, but maybe a reorganizing of the items would have helped in balancing the backpack better. Also, I probably packed to many heavier items (such as bottles of water), which resulted in the backpack being too heavy for me to carry comfortably.

PITCHING A TENT- During the expedition, I was able to set up my tent correctly without any mistakes and /mishaps. The rods were inserted correctly into the sleeve of the tent which helped the tent stay upright with taut walls, I ensured that the designated area for the tent was on flat, firm land and was devoid of any stones or sharp objects. This helped us set up our tents effectively so that they provided us with shelter and safety throughout the nights we spent out in the wilderness.

COOKING- Each group prepared their own meals throughout the expedition and all of us fared well in this task. I managed to prepare noodles for the group with ease and without any mishaps. I was able to use the butane gas burner correctly and I also help set up the fireplace. The body requires nutritional content to make up for its losses so I insisted that every one in the group ate healthy meals that were rich in carbohydrates, but without too many ‘heavy’ liquids such as milk, low fat chocolate etc.

TEAMWORK- I believe that the group I was leading worked well as a team and this is proved to be a valuable asset to our performance. We always lent a helping hand to every one and this is what helped us through the expedition. I insured that everyone was working as a single unit, including myself so that we could reach closer success through cooperation. I believe that I can work well in a team, as I understand each of my members’ strengths and weaknesses, help them and also take advice from them and learn from their performance.

TRUST- As a team member it is very important to trust your team members. I trusted each and every member’s judgment on all matters and trusted my partners with my life. Whether it was navigations, or checking up a new area. Very frequently, when we were unsure of the path, we would send a member up in front to check out if there was any danger. We would have the walkie talkie on constantly and I used to trust his judgment about the inspection of the area. I am proud to say that I was also trusted be the group and this is what kept us so closely knit.

LEADERSHIP- I was appointed to be the leader of my group and that meant taking up a huge responsibility. I stuck to this task well. I found my self motivating my peers and guiding them and reassuring them quite often. I ensured that the group performed as a single unit and that every one enjoyed the activity and reached their fullest potential while performing the activity. I did my level best to create a sense of confidence and enthusiasm in the team and I believe I was successful since everyone in the group seemed to be putting in all their efforts into each activity and yet enjoying the activities immensely.


Due to the lengthy intervals between the preparatory camps and the expedition itself, it was not feasible to restrict the program to just 6 weeks; hence the program had been extended to 8 weeks. When planning this, I applied the principles of training so that it is enjoyable and health promoting. I made it a point to warm up and cool down before any activity to prevent injuries of any sort. Rest was given for a day after any strenuous and demanding activities.

My accessibility to sport facilities within the school proved to be quite useful when planning out this program, as was the proximity of my residence to a sports club and gym. I did my best to ensure that the program proves to be beneficial to my health and overall fitness.
Get ready in the morning by 6:30 am, leave from Zulaikhind to Devli village after breakfast, involving a steep descent. Take a break for about 10 minutes, then head for Harchandi via Kalamgoan, Kotroshi and Amshi villages. Trek involves occasional short breaks of about 10-15 minutes, including a break at Kalamgaon village where our water supply was replenished. Once at Harchandi, take a ferry boat across Shiv Sagar lake to arrive at Nature Trail’s Camp site at Tapoda village. Arrrive at the resort, eat dinner, and plan out next days route to Vasota Fort.

Saturday 2-HOUR session of basketball practice focusing on muscular endurance and basketball specific skills Get ready in the morning by 6:30 am take a ferry boat across Shiv Sagar lake to arrive at Metindoli village. Trek to Vasota Fort involving a steep ascent and climb. Upon reaching Vasota Fort, trek to Nageshwar Caves across a high cliff and ridge. Set up tents for the night at the caves, collect water from nearby well and prepare dinner. After dinner, plan out next day’s route to Chorawne village.

Sunday 1 hour of football practice focusing on aerobic fitness and muscular endurance as well as football specific skills. Brisk walk to the gym. 1 hour at the gym after school, with training focusing on upper body muscular endurance (through use of weights and weight machines) and aerobic fitness through use of a treadmill. Brisk walk back home Get ready in the morning by 7:00 am and begin trek to Chorawne village involving a steep descent of about 60 degrees. Arrive at Chorawne for lunch. Head back for Mumbai by car after lunch.

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Muscular Endurance is needed in football to keep the muscles contracting for the full length of the match without them becoming tired or weak. Muscular Strength is the force your muscles exert when they contract. This is an important part of …

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