In deciding to adopt an exercise, the preliminary consultations must be done. The advice of mental health providers such as doctors and therapists will go a long way in identifying the systematic and appropriate exercise that one who is either anxious or depressed must undertake. The set up of the treatment plan will be organized by such mental health provider. The doctor or the therapist will diagnose the situation and prescribe and create the appropriate plan for such condition.
As the decided therapeutic path and plan is defined, the person undertaking the path and plan must wholeheartedly and positively accept the advice of the doctor or the therapist. The person must like what he is being told to do. He can also discuss with the doctor or therapist what he likes to do that could be suited to the plan. Even the scheduling of the exercise will be as suitable as can be to the lifestyle of the person seeking advice. As in any undertaking, an exercise plan must have objectives and goals.
If the plan that has been set has quantified measures and standards, the person undertaking the plan must stick to such measures and standards and work hard to achieve them. It will be good if the idea of a reward system can be discussed during the designing of the treatment plan. The positive attitude towards seeking a doctor’s advice together with the design of the treatment plan must erase the feeling of being burdened by the recommended exercise activity. The person must consider the exercise program to be beneficial and for his own good.
A positive attitude towards this end is the beginning of the positive results that is being aimed by the exercise program. During the discussion with mental health provider about the treatment plan to overcome anxiety and depression, the person seeking advice must be open about any setbacks, obstacles or barriers that he might face in undertaking the plan. This will enable the doctor or therapist to recommend alternatives or adjustments to the plan. Setbacks such as costs, self-consciousness, time can be addressed by alternative methods.
For example, walking does not cost anything and can be done anytime and can be done alone and as such may be the better part of the plan to be designed. (Mayo Clinic, 2007) The definite characteristic of an exercise plan or activity is that it must be regular. A timetable is established and it must be followed. The pattern is disciplined and calculated. For example, a ten minute walk sustains a good mood for two hours. A pedaling exercise extends good mood further. Such uplifting effect must therefore be sustained through regularity of the exercise.
Exercise is a graduated undertaking. The activity can be planned from the light and slow to the moderate to the intense and rigorous. The doctor and therapist will advise the length of period for each graduated steps as applicable to specific persons. Exercising is achieving rhythm in the body. The performance is not conceived to be staccato or in installments. The exercise plan is to create a flow and development in the sequences of the activity. It is like as if the body is undergoing the symphony of an orchestra. It has its crescendo and/or decrescendo.
Therefore, a person undergoing exercise programs to reduce anxiety and depression must consider the exercise like as if he is playing. Enjoyment and fun is a very necessary outlook while doing exercise programs. Exercising in groups, with friends, with family is the better of option to gain contagious dose of encouragement, pattern and goal attainment. The one thing though that must not necessarily be inculcated initially in the exercise regimen is the concept of competition. Even if the recommended exercise program involves a sport, the perception must not necessarily dwell on the concept of winning or loosing.
If a sport is recommended and undertaken as the rightful exercise, like tennis, the person must dwell on the concept that he is undergoing a cleansing of his wellbeing more than proving that he is better than the other person. It calls for aligned perception. (Swartz, 2007) The most important attitude towards adopting and conducting exercise programs is the commitment level. Commitment likewise makes one creative and innovative. Uncontrollable circumstances like weather can deter the simple requirement of walking.
A commitment level will make a person creative and can see the alternative of doing limbering, stationary exercises inside the house instead. A commitment level will therefore initiate a person to solve any exercise barrier or exercise obstacles by creating and/or recreating alternatives. (Mayo Clinic) There are also safeguards that must be undertaken in doing exercise programs that goes with working to achieve the treatment of anxiety and depression. If during an exercise program, any injury is experienced consultation must be undertaken prior to continuing the program.
The concept of physical exercise is forth both physical well being and mental well being. There is no here nor there. Both of such positive states must be mutually achieved. There is no point in trying to work out treatment of a negative mental state and then loosing the wellbeing of the body. Exercise programs are created with discipline and also restraint and soundness. Therefore, a person undergoing an exercise program is not supposed to overdo the program. There are set timing; set intensity; set frequency that correlates with the specific qualification of the individual undergoing an exercise program.
And they must be followed to avoid the negative effect of overexercise such as sustaining anxiety and depression instead of treating it; overfatigue; insomnia; loss of appetite to eat. Conclusion Studies and conclusions and results towards the positive effect of exercise in alleviating anxiety and depression and achieving sound mental and physical well being have come and been established. Many years and many testimonies have come to fore about the warranted advantageous effect. However, there is still the glaring aspect of relativity.
At the end of the day, it is the individual and his specific case, condition and qualification that play a major role in the success or failure of an exercise program. Beginning from the recognition of a negative psychological state due to anxiety and depression, a person must be honest enough to seek proper medical or spiritual or moral advice. Followed by the will and determination to go through a treatment program that will include an exercise regimen, the next steps must be warranted by a very high level of commitment to achieve the desired results.
The success of overcoming anxiety and depression depends on the commitment to go through the entire process strictly, astutely and religiously. Finally, getting over anxiety and depression, as in any illness, requires maintenance activities and drastic resolution towards major changes in one’s life.
References: Biddle, Stuart & Mutrie, Nanette. “Psychology of Physical Activity: Determinants, Well-Being and Interventions” Routledge Publishing. 2001 Bradburn, Norman M. “The Structure of Psychological Well-Being”
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