Adopt children

The world is changing as well as people and everything in it. There are a many things going on around us as people. These issues can be physical or psychological factors like AIDS, DIVORCE, HOMOSEXUALS, TEEN PREGNANCY etc. Basically, we will focus on how each of these factors affects our families and we as Canadian. To begin with is ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROME (AIDS) AND HUMAN IMMUNE VIRUS (HIV) which according to facts, is not widely spread through the country but because of it’s nature of spreading and how dangerous it can get, certain precautions are being taken to prevent of avoid this deadly disease.

Such as AIDS walk to raise funds for research and also to help others especially people in some part of Africa where by the diseases is widely spread and killing millions of people. Also to educate people on safer sex methods like using condoms. Second factor is TEEN PREGNANCY, which is one of the factors that affect Canadians. The teenage pregnancy rate is the number of pregnancies per 1,000 women aged 15 to 19. Canada is among one of the develop countries that has highest rate of teenage pregnancy.

Statistically, there is less pregnancy in absolute sense in the 90s than they were in the late 70s and 80s, which recorded the highest rate of teen pregnancy in Canada. The reason most often given by teens for choosing to have abortion are being concerned about how having babies would change their lives, feelings that they are not mature to have a child, and having financial problems. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the government and the people to work together and find a positive solution to deal with this issue.

Educational programs on ways to prevent teen pregnancy such as using condoms, birth pills and other contraceptives pills must be address to the general public. Also parents and their children should talk about it when it is necessary and participate actively. The third and one of the controversial issues is GAY COUPLES and how they can marry and adopt children. People who are against this issue are saying; marriage is a status conferred by a country for the benefits of children.

Same sex couples would not result in the birth of children or in the healthy way of raising of adopted children; therefore, there is no compelling reason to allow gays to marry. Also gays and lesbians will take advantage of federal benefits that are intended for both husband and wives. Granting gays to marry will erode the moral and social significance of marriage that is a man and a woman. On the other hand, some are saying it should be legalized because allowing gays to marry would fulfill many of their emotional and economic needs, thus easing the burden imposed on the state of it’s single citizens.

Millions of adopted children will also benefits emotionally and economically if their gay parents were allowed to marry. Studies show that children raised by gay couples turn out as well as children of the heterosexual parents. CHILD CUSTODY is the fourth factor that affects Canadian family. It is when children are allowed to be with either their mother or father after divorce by the court. There are many controversy deciding which parents the children has to be with, which happens a lot of times the court normally awards sole custody to mothers just because is a stereotyped that women are more capable of taking care of their kids than a man

Another issue is joint custody which some says it tends to have more social behavioral problems than children in sole custody of a mother or father. Most children in joint custody constantly move between parent’s homes, they often grow up with a sense of instability and rootlessness while others says parents who shared joint custody reliably meet their parental and financial obligations to their children. Therefore, it should be promoted. Fifth are SINGLE PARENTS, which involves physical and financial responsibilities to raise a child.

Normally, children from single parent’s homes are more likely to drop out of school than from intact families. Therefore, to be a single parents, raising your children required more than your responsibilities and need self esteem and encouragement from society. Sixth factor is divorce. DIVORCE is a very important factor within our families. Children are the victims when there is a divorce in a family. Which intend to bring a negative on them. According to facts, divorce is now the single largest cause of childhood depression. Children who have seen several families fall apart often wrestle with feelings of distrust, anxiety and betrayal.

Many children show signs of greater trouble in school prior to divorce. On the other hand, others say divorce is not necessarily a bad influence on children. They say much of these of divorce on children can be predicted by conditions that exited well before the separation occurred and also they say large numbers of children are spared serious problem because of divorce. The seventh factor will be EGG BANK. Many caring women are willing to open their hearts and donate some of their eggs to an infertile couple. Every woman creates hundreds of eggs that will never be used in their lifetime.

Some of these eggs can be used to give the gift of life. This gift is very special and may be the only way an infertile woman will have the opportunity to bear a child. The women you are helping have been unable to conceive a pregnancy because of genetic difficulties or because they do not produce eggs that are able to create a healthy baby. The stories are so sad. Most of our families have made enormous painful efforts to conceive a child on their own, without success. Without caring women like you, these families may never have the opportunity to parent.

The egg donor is compensated for her donation per the retrieval, not by the egg. The normal compensation is between $2000 – $2500. Last but not least is DECREASING OF BIRTH RATE. Canada is the second largest country and one of the wealthiest nations in the world but has less population. The main factor will be the role of women in our society now. All these women are busy doing whatever their work may be as men and this give them less time to think of having babies. The role of women has really changed as compare to about years ago.

As we know women play important role in deciding how many children they should have in a family especially in western part of the world, it makes it difficult to have more than two children because these women are doing same work as their husband and they really have no time to waste than to concentrate on their professions. Every Canadian family has encounter with one or two of these factors affecting their family. So it is up to us to come up with our ideas or anything we know about all these factors and have a better way to solve or come into compromise for the benefits of the people and Canada as a whole.

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