Adapt an active lifestyle

Litchfield, Nelson and Koch (2004) also noted outdoor activities as a good start, short evening walks or if the child is old enough and the family owns a dog, they can be given the responsibility of walking the dog. Even the littlest amount of activity can be a good start in order to promote physical activity. It is also advised that the child engage in physical plays like running, playing tag in the park, or other family activities that will promote physical activities. Limit television watching and computer time

Sedentary lifestyles promote obesity, so it is important to limit hours spent sitting idly in front of the television or computer. When a child is allowed to spend more time in front of the television or playing computer games they are more likely to stay there than engage in physical activities like playing and running. It is also of note that the child who spends time in front of the television or the computer is more likely to consume junk food while watching television and playing computer games, especially if the adult permits such.

Set aside specific times to spend outdoors It is also of note that it might be wise to actually plan times to spend outdoors, one weekend or a day to spend outside in the park. Family activities to be spend outside of the house like the park or backyard playing backyard basketball or football or simple activities like playing tag or swimming can be utilized in order to promote outdoor activity. Do not allow television inside the children’s room Research indicates that about 77% of children have television sets in their rooms (Kaiser Family Foundation report, 1999).

This promotes laziness in the child, lying in bed while watching television that may also include munching on junk foods and chocolate. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Or if the school is near, walking to school might also be a good idea. It might be of note that parents who are more active enables their children to be more active as well. Forget the no pain, no gain theory Children should be taught to enjoy physical activities not an activity to be afraid of.

It is a lifelong theory but one must surmise that a child may not be susceptible to such and they might not be adaptable to any activity that might require them to feel pain so this theory should be junked and that physical activity should be considered as fun and enjoyable to the child rather than hard labor, so it is imperative that physical activity interventions should be aimed at being enjoyable and fun for a child lest risk the child not doing the activity at all. Plan for a variety of Activities

This is so to avoid monotony and boredom, especially in children who are more often than not easily distracted and easily bored by repetitive activities. It is important that the child not become bored with the activity so it is imperative that a child has a variety of activities that will help avoid monotony and help increase interest. One may note that a child, even an adult can become easily bored when they are subjected to repetitive activities. Enhancing the intervention program to be varied and fun will help the child stay into the program rather than feel that it is a boring tasked to be endured and not to be enjoyed.

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