Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Children

Regardless on whether the coping family member is a parent or a child, there are a number of different programs and support groups that have been established in order to address the issues faced by family members of patients diagnosed with ALL (Buehner 2).

In order to cope with the various emotional stress brought about by the news of a family member being diagnosed with ALL and the subsequent treatment procedures that the patient would have to undergo, parents usually turn to support groups that promote problem-focused and emotional-focused programs to help them cope with their present situation (LaMontagne, Wells, Hepworth, Johnson and Manes 3). In the case of children, support groups that offer traditional family and individual therapy may be beneficial.

On top of this, certain support groups such as KidScope, utilize a variety of art, play and music therapy to help younger children cope with the emotional and behavioral changes brought about by the confusion on the condition of their parents who have been diagnosed with ALL (Brooks; Buehner). Being diagnosed with ALL is undoubtedly an emotional and traumatic event that must be faced by both the patient and his or her family members.

Although advancements in medical technology have caused remission rates in ALL cases to increase, there have been subsequent long-term side effects that would need to be faced by the patient and the family members. It is for this reason that numerous support groups providing a number of therapy programs have been established to help patients and their family members, particularly children, to cope with this otherwise traumatic event.

Unless the necessary steps are taken in order to gain this, the effects on the behavioral and emotional well-being of those affected by ALL would lead to subsequent long-term changes that may cause a deterrence in their social growth entirely.

Works Cited “Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Children. ” National Cancer Institute. 26 Nov. 2008 <http://www. cancer. gov/cancertopics/factsheet/ALLinchildren>.

“Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: Treatment”. University of California San Francisco Medical Center. 26 Nov. 2008 <http://www. ucsfhealth. org/adult/ medical_services/cancer/leukemia/conditions/all/treatments. html>. “Blood Cancer: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. ” College of American Pathologists. 26 Nov. 2008 <http://www. cap. org/apps/docs/reference/mybiopsy/ LeukemiaAcuteLymphoblastic. pdf>.

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