Acute Gastroenteritis

Patient PR, is a 2 year old male patient that was hospitalized with a final diagnosis of acute gastroenteritis with some dehydration. He doesn’t have any educational background yet. The nurse will educate the mother using pamphlets and some pictures and will let her assist in some of the intervention to be able to take responsibility once the patient is discharged. 8 days prior to admission, PR went to a party with relatives and didn’t wash his hands after playing and prior to eating. He therefore acquired contaminated foods and possibly drinks too.

One day prior to admission, P. R experienced 3 episodes of vomiting. He was brought to the Emergency Room but wasn’t admitted. A day after, he experienced 4 episodes of watery stools that are brownish in color with some particles moderate in amount, hence he was admitted. He also had one episode of vomiting. Patient also had fever (37. 8 C). Assessment reveals flushed, warm, dry skin with poor turgor. Patient also has sunken eyeballs, dry lips, and an abdomen with predominantly tympanic-resonance upon percussion due to gas in GI tract, and scattered dullness due to feces and fluid.

His fecalysis revealed presence of pathogen (E. coli). The patient has no social or family history that could be related with his present illness. B. Introduction of the disease process: Acute gastroenteritis could be merely called a long, potentially fatal spell of stomach flu. The most ordinary symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pain, since anything that causes the situation inflames the gastrointestinal tract (Feldman, 2002). Acute gastroenteritis is fairly widespread amongst children, though it is certainly possible for adults to undergo it as well.

There frequent causes (18. 7%) of acute gastroenteritis is in children aged less than 6 months and in those of 5 to 13 years (Barnes, 1998). As most cases of gastroenteritis last a few days, acute gastroenteritis can last for weeks or even months. Many things may be a cause for acute gastroenteritis. Bacterial infection is often a factor, and infection by parasites can cause acute gastroenteritis to end longer, like several weeks. Viruses can also cause long stomach flus, chiefly noroviruses and rotaviruses (Norovirus)..

Accidental exposure to toxins or poisoning may also bring about acute gastroenteritis as well. Further methods of transmission of acute gastroenteritis include drinking liquids or eating food infected with bacteria or parasites. For example, weakly cooked meat might have an effect in an extremely severe case of acute gastroenteritis owing to the exposure to E. coli, an occasionally deadly bacterial infection in little children. Treatments may include giving IVF for dehydration (D5 0.3 NaCl shifted to D5IMB 500 ml x 52 mgtts/min), or limited Oral Rehydration treatments (King, 2003).

Medications may include: Infloran Berna for prevention of the gastrointestinal dismicrobiche syndromes or Fortum for infections caused by bacteria, in different parts of the body (Nelson, 2003). A soft diet except oily foods may also help with the patient’s compromised digestion. C. Developmental tasks: For his age, patient’s physical, psychological, cognitive, moral, and spiritual development are on a gradual process as his mother assists him on these.

PR has acquired his stage of autonomy as has learned to be able to do some little things independently with the supervision of his mother. He also loves exploring things and playing. D. Impact on Quality of life: PR may spend sleepless nights and tiring days due to stomach pains and consistent defacation and vomiting. He may also have less social interaction with other playmates and even adults because he may be too cranky and not in the mood as he is ill. E. Client education: Educating a 2 year old child is a hard task.

You must educate the mother instead by giving her appropriate instructions and notes. Moreover, let the mother do some return demonstrations to ensure that she really knows what to do. F. Perceived Challenges: The patient may be having a hard time in the hospital, which is an environment he is not used to. He also is obviously experiencing pain and not being able to communicate this and other feelings very effectively with some adults. There may be fear experienced when his mother is not with him.

There are also threats to treatments (e. g. IVF administration and skin testing). G. Summary Process: It’s hard for a very young child to experience pain and be hospitalized. Educating and giving care on the nurse’s part also imposes a challenge. The nurse must be professional and competent enough to provide services for the immediate cure of the patient. Giving additional advices and tips like the importance of washing the hands may also help in the patient’s condition and may prevent further infection.

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