According fitness

To make sure he complies with these targets he will be taken through a number of tests which will put him to his limits, according to his fitness. These warm exercises will help him. Warm Up Exercises The following exercises will completely warm up all the body parts and ensure you do not come across any injures, do them continuously and ensure you do between 20 to 30 reps of each 1) Jumps Feet together hands down at your sides. Bend your knees slightly and jump about 6 inches off the floor. As you jump spread your legs to shoulder width apart and raise your arms out to the side and above your head. Do this 30 times; it is a good all over warmer.

2) Alternate Toe Touches Start with your legs straight shoulder width apart. Bend your torso over so tat you are parallel with the floor then proceed to touch the left toe with your right hand by twisting your body then alternate by touching your right toe with your left hand repeat 30 times 3) Squats Stand with your feet shoulder width apart hands on your hips slowly keeping your back straight squat down until your thighs are just below parallel with the floor then return back to the starting position. Perform 20 reps.

4) Seated Stretches Sit on the floor with your legs at 90 degrees apart. Stretch your arms out in front of you and try and touch your left toes firstly. Stretch until you feel a puling sensation in the hamstrings then back off slightly and hold the stretch for 20 seconds. The try touching your right toes in the same manner and repeat. 5) Torso Stretches Assume a normal press up position on the floor with your hands straight shoulder width apart and your weight on your toes. Now keeping your arms and legs straight lower your hips to the floor to feel a torso stretch, hold for 20 seconds and repeat 20 times.

6) Press ups Assume the normal pressup position on the floor arms just less than shoulder width apart. Then lower the chest towards the floor by bending the arms, then press the arms back straight ensure you keep your body straight as you perform the exercise. ABDOMINALS:  Leg Raises The starting position is laid flat on the floor with your arms stretch out above your head. Your legs should be outstretched in front of you with a 20 to 30 degree bend at the knee ankles together.

Keeping your head and back firmly on the floor raise your legs up 12 inches off the floor and tense your abdominals in that position for 2 seconds. Lower your legs but do not rest them on the floor, keep them 2 inches above the floor (this keeps the tension on the abs) hold this position for 1 second, then raise the legs to 12 inches above the floor and repeat the cycle for initially 10 reps. You will find that as you perform this exercise more often hat you will be able to do more reps, keep increasing the reps to get the burning feeling in the abs.

Knee-Raises The starting position is sit on the end of a flat training bench. For optimum results have your body at a 45 degree angle with your hands firmly grasping the sides of the bench. Extend your legs downwards in front of you ankles together so that your legs are in the same line as your body, feet just above the floor. Now simultaneously bring your knees up as far as you can towards your chest by bending your legs tensing your abs as you do so and hold for 1 second. Lower your legs to the starting position and repeat until you are unable to do anymore reps do 3 sets of this exercise.

This is the table on which I will record the badminton play while. From this table I will be able to tell on what skills he has to improve and what skills, he is good at. Ahsan as you can see is a overall good player and is able to use an extensive variety of shots and techniques. He has many strong point aswell as weak ones. Observation conclusion: Looking at the table I will construct a training program to improve on the specified skills and abilities. I will have to be able to, move up a step from simple to complex skills. Complex skills is when a skill is beyond the reach of normal , basic player ,a complex skill is a non-transferable skill , and therefore need more and take more control.

A simple skill is is a skill that is simple and straight forward with very little subsections to go through to perform the skill such as a sprint. This skill also requires little concentration and cognitive ability of the performer. Short span of attention. A complex skill involves a large attention span because they are complicated and are practiced in training over and over to make it easier to perform in competition. Feed back and arousal is an important factor in the life of a performer, for example in an instance you may be performing a game not so well, the feedback may allow you to be able to see and understand the key problems, so that you can improve on the specified skill. There are two types of feedbacks: Knowledge of performance, and knowledge of result;

First of all knowledge of performance is when it is acquired, from a friend or coach, and if it was correct and the skill was performed to the best ability. Then knowledge of result is when you can asses your own skills, via recorded video. Motivation: Motivation is a feeling and a vital factor when achieving goals; motivation is the desire and the enthusiasm of playing a sport- if you are motivated no matter what the consequences you are more likely to play the sport.

There are two types of motivation Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation. Firstly extrinsic motivation is all the external factors affecting the player, such as the luxuries, fame, money, etc, and Intrinsic motivation is the opposite , these are things as your determination, your courage , your enjoyment etc. understanding the rule of the game Understanding the game: In badminton you can either play singles or double. Before you can get started you need the following utensils.

Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Keep the back straight at all times. Swing your arms from upright down the side of your body and back up so it brushes the ear in a smooth action do 5 repetitions. Side/Front …

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I also designed a warm up and cool down to help prevent me from sustaining an injury. Warm Up Routine: 1. A gentle jog varying between 200 and 400 metres. 2. Trapezius stretches. (Tilting the head to the front, back, …

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