Abnormal psychology timeline

16th century B. C. – 2 Egyptian Papyri were found that detailed treatments of wounds and different surgeries that were done. 460-377 B. C. – Hippocrates made contributions to the field of medicine. 429-347 B. C. – Plato studied patients with mental disorders. 384-322 B. C. – Aristotle wrote papers on mental disorders and wrote up descriptions of consciousness. Middle ages- Patients were thought to be possessed and were given exorcisms when they actually had mental disorders that needed to be treated. ?16th Century on- Asylums were built to house people with mental disorders. ?1745-1826.

France- Phillippe Pinel came up with a more humane way to treat the mentally ill. ?Late 1800’s- Benjamin Franklin proposed using electricity to treat mentally ill patients. Thus electroshock therapy. ?1802-1877 Dorothea Dix- Mental Hygiene Movement ?1946- Jane Ward published “The Snake Pit” ?19th and 20th Century- (1) biological discoveries, (2) the development of a classification system for mental disorders, (3) the emergence of psychological causation views, and (4) experimental psychological research developments.

Chapter I-A Primer on Abnormality A. What is Abnormal Psychology? ?It is a branch of psychology which deals with psychopathology (mental disorders) and abnormal behavior. B. Why study abnormal psychology? ?Abnormal behavior is part of our common experience ?Lots of …

Abnormal psychology has been studied for about 100 years, but the recognition of what society deems to be abnormal behavior goes back further than that, to the primitive and pre-modern societies (Damour & Hansell, 2005). One of the most common …

Historical Perspectives of Abnormal PsychologyAbnormal psychology has never been simple to define due to the many challenges. From the origins of abnormal psychology, scientific discipline, and theoretical models related to abnormal psychology there are many areas that need to be …

Abstract In the following paper, abnormal psychology will be discussed in length. The origins of abnormal psychology will be discussed, including the challenges to defining and classifying normal and abnormal behavior. There will also be a brief overview of how …

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