A Widespread Disease of Poverty

Global poverty is an extensive crisis that mainly affects human’s everyday living. It is considered as a main critical illness of third world and least-developed countries today. But even, progressive nations still couldn’t eliminate entirely the problems of poverty and diseases. So do concerned citizens of this world are truly aware of this destructive disease that rapidly infects the lives of the poor and innocent people of this world? Do all the people take part in the responsibility in getting rid of the problem of poverty and diseases that may destroy even our own selves?

Even though, the government and other anti-poverty institutions in the whole world are doing their part to decrease poverty and diseases, still countless people suffer from it. The efforts that these institutions provide are not effective and not enough because many people involved in these charitable programs are not cooperating completely in their respective missions. They, themselves are the ones who corrupt the aids that should be given to the poor people. Some authorities would rather place the funds for the poor in their own pockets than to willingly give it to unfortunates.

Corruption, selfishness, and lack of generosity are one of the main factors that hinder the noble mission of some people to entirely eliminate poverty in the world. Furthermore, lack of unity and virtuous principles in helping the needy in some authorities, are the reasons of difficult implementation of anti-poverty and anti-disease programs. The thirst for money and power are the destructive barriers that hinder some people to voluntarily give their helping hand to poor people. Global Famine: Causes of Food Shortage and Water Shortage

A lot of people suffer from famine and water deficiency. Citizens of least- developed countries are the ones directly affected by these economic problems. Billions of people worldwide suffer from starvation and nutrient deficiencies. Most people are quite moved when they saw pictures of many bon-thin children with swollen tummies thus; depict the worst condition of malnutrition in the world. If concerned people are doing enough to eradicate this adverse condition of the poor there will be no such pitiful images of malnourished children.

Famine is also the result of human’s negligence in protecting the nature, that instead of protecting and loving it, human beings themselves are destroying it. By doing so, people are actually ruining the capability of nature to support the needs of the majority. Scarcity of food and potable water are the results of poverty, this is because of climate change, loss of variety species of plants and animals, and food bioterrorism. Poverty is truly alarming because according to UNICEF, almost 30,000 children die everyday because of poverty and these children die in the poorest regions in earth because of hunger and illnesses.

That is 210,000 children pass away every week, or fewer than 11 million of poor and innocent children die every year, thus poverty is quite alarming (Shah). Undying Chronic and Infectious Diseases Poverty is always associated with infectious diseases, because of malnutrition; people can easily obtain chronic illnesses. Malnutrition, tuberculosis, malaria, diarrhea and other deadly diseases are the consequences of substandard living. Many people in remote and rural areas suffer from deadly illnesses that unconsciously kill them.

Medical assistance does not actually been reach to these rural areas because of transportation problems and lack of medical doctors. Moreover, in third world countries, the budget for health is not given a high priority, that is why the necessary drugs and medicine that is allotted to the people is not been completely given. Also, even if there is allotted medicines for the poor it is not been distributed by the public health centers, and even worse some public health officers sell it to the poor people even it is must be given free.

Health Professionals play a vital role in eliminating poverty and diseases in the society. They are the one who will make sure that the health sector will benefit the poor people. But, most of the problem with them is that they give poor people with substandard services. There are true cases, wherein some private hospitals will not admit a dying person or a giving birth mother to her child without giving down payment to the hospital bills. In this inhuman conduct they are taking away the right of the person to continue his life. Many people suffer and eventually die without being given the right treatment for them.

Poor people will attempt to go to private hospitals even if they know that they will need big amount of money for payment, because public hospitals are lack of reliable medical equipments and competent doctors. Most public hospitals in poor countries do not meet the needs of poor sick people. Lack of budget for these hospitals and support from the government push medical professionals to give substandard treatments. Lastly medical professionals would rather go abroad for better salary than stay in their own country. Unemployment and Lack of Education

Education is very important to eradicate poverty; it is one of the main weapons of the humankind to fight against poverty. Unfortunately, almost a billion people is illiterate, they do not know how to read and even to write their own names. In addition, 120 million children worldwide are not given the right education. The budget for weapons for a year is quite higher than the budget for education, in fact, by the year 2000 less than one percent of the budget of the world that are allotted on weapons is needed to place each child on school but still it is not given to children (Shah).

Therefore, the endless efforts of some people to reduce or to completely eliminate poverty is being overcome by many selfish and greedy people that instead of helping and providing the needs of the poor they are the one who continually oppress the poor.

Works Cited Shah, Anup. “Causes of Poverty”. 23 September 2007. 11 November 2007 <http://www. globalissues. org/TradeRelated/Poverty. asp>.

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