A whisper of aids

I read the Mary Fisher story. There are plenty of bias and fallacies examples Mary speaks of in this article. Mostly talking about how people are prejudiced and judgmental against people with the HIV virus. How people show no compassion and are so very cruel to the AIDS victims. Mary talks about how her family has shown affection to her through this difficult time but there are many other AIDS victims out there that do not have that. What they get are people being mean and treating them as outcasts.

Some examples of rhetorical devices in this article could be where Mary talks about the black infant struggling with tubes in the hospital or the lonely gay man whose family has rejected him. The speaker addresses arguments and counterarguments by talking about how AIDS is not a political creature. She talks about how fast the AIDS virus is spreading and how dangerous it is. The statement that you cry and grieve alone and do not tell anyone that someone was HIV positive and that we should be able to reach out for compassion is very true.

The speaker argues that people with the AIDS virus tolerate ignorance from the people who do not have AIDS. In my opinion I would not be cruel to someone who has the AIDS virus. They are still human just as I am. I would only take precautions to ensure my own safety but would not treat them as though they are a monster. I believe Mary’s arguments could be effective. Especially when she talks about her children and how she wants to make the world a safer place for them.

She talks about how supportive her family is and that’s it perfectly fine to support someone with the AIDS virus. I believe the arguments could be effective because there are so many families out in the world who do cherish their loved ones and if they were in the same situation I believe many of them would be there for a mother or sister or son who had contracted the AIDS virus. AIDS is a very sad situation, but there are people who care out there and who are willing to be sincere.

In 1891, Voltairine de Cleyre wrote The Philosophy of Selfishness and Metaphysical Ethics, critiquing the selfish and egoistic mindset of society. This same mindset is critiqued by Mary Fisher in “A Whisper of AIDS”. She uses rationally emotional rhetoric in …

The Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) epidemic in America was a huge crisis during the 1900s. Not knowing the true nature of AIDS, the society and policy makers simply alienated Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) positive population. The stigma of AIDS …

On August 19, 1992, during the Republican National Convention in Houston, Texas, Mary Fisher, a 44 year old HIV positive mother of two kids and a rich Republican, delivered a moving speech to bring awareness to the American public about …

?Visual aids are learning tools that educators and presenters use to convey an idea more effectively. It is important that visual aids are tailored for a particular audience, depending on their needs. Also, teachers and presenters should use visual aids …

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