A profession of doctor

The human life on the earth is full of pleasures and sorrows, ups and downs, strength and weakness and health and illness like day and night these happenings are inherent in everyone’s life cycle. But it is silver lining that there are noble people who work all their lives to mitigate the sufferings of the others. Among them, the profession of doctors is perhaps most respected for service to the society.

A good doctor is also empathetic and humane. He tries to understand what his patient is going through and shows kindness while dealing with the unwell. This would involve interaction which can turn into a more personal relationship. A patient can comfortably communicate what he is experiencing that can help in the more precise diagnosis of illness. There are many types of doctors in our country such as pediatricians,cardiologists, dentists,veterinarian and others.the doctors are usually works at hospitals and clinics.Some doctors are works at labratories, universities and at the military.

Besides,there are some qualifications are needed to become a doctor.A person should have a degree and have to graduate.they also must get A in science subjects.Student also must have ability to become a doctor.they also must have good communication skills to talk with patients. A doctor’s life is hard. Often, he has to visit the patient at off hours foregoing his rest, sleep and even food.

Sometimes the doctor has to work throughout the day and night attending to serious patients or victims of war, epidemic or major accident. He has to always treat his patients with a smile and cheer. He motivates and encourages sick person. In this respect, the society is indebted to the profession of doctors and have to respect the doctors.

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