A healthcare-related Web site

As a healthcare-related Web site, the site should include language warning users that the site might have insufficient advice and implores users to seek further medical attention or to see their doctor. The disclaimer would put the user’s best interest in mind specially if he’s really sick, or have a condition that might need individual care. An example is the site’s pregnancy teaser on the home page which says “Pregnant? Don’t forget to exercise”.

Colette Bouchez at WebMD writes that although exercise during pregnancy is not only recommended, it also have certain benefits for both mother and baby, the mother should be aware of some warning signs like vaginal discharges and bleeding, and stop exercising. This caution is not on the Dumex home page. As such, it is highly probable that while material on the site might have been checked and is reliable, it might adversely affect some people who follows medical, nutritional advise without consulting their doctors.

Also, while the site has its products online, there is no way to order their products on the site. As a consumer, I need to be sure of what I’m purchasing. It has to give me value for my money. It has to deliver its promises. For me, I want to be an informed consumer, price is only secondary. Web sites like Dumex provides me with the necessary information that I would not normally see in other forms of advertisements. A good Web site should let me know about the product, for me to know its benefits, potential threats and how it fares against the competition.

And I don’t have to leave home to do it, it’s all, literally, at the tips of my fingers. Aside from information, good product Web sites offer their customers other related information. That would keep me informed of the things I need to be aware of. In the case of Dumex, it also tells me how their products would fit my needs. Lastly, Web sites offer the convenience of purchasing at home, which would give me more time to do other more important things, and other perks like avoiding the long lines at the supermarket or horrendous traffic.

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“Surgical site infection (SSI) complicates an estimated 5% of all clean contaminated operations performed annually in US hospitals and accounts for the most common nosocomial infection in surgical patient’s” (Hemani & Lepor, 2009, p. 190). Prior to draping and the …

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