A disabled child

Transition service depicts a number of synchronized activities for a disabled child that has results and process in which a child ends up leaning and improving his academic knowledge. This helps students and families prepare mentally how to apply their learning in their forth coming life. Facilitation in a child’s journey from school to post school by preparing objectives and aims required for a successful life.

When a child learns to cope up with his disabilities he feels immense power with in him. This helps him be strong and tough to face future problems. Occupational therapy Occupational therapy helps people being independent in all aspects of lives. This may include areas required to boost self esteem, enhance physical and mental skills and achieve sense of accomplishment. It supports people with limited participation in walk of life.

It facilitates children with developing skill that they lack in learning basic activities (eating, walking, bathing, brushing, etc), controlling their behavioral anarchy (anger management, grumpiness, depression etc), lack understanding capabilities (reading, hearing, comprehending, etc) and working along with kids who pertain attention issues to come out of their isolated shell (Pierson, Kimberly S, 2007). Level of Functioning It is imperative to design the program according to the child’s competence.

It should initially start with understanding the child’s abilities. Their deficiencies and their limitation will be given high priority. A child should be made extremely comfortable in the new environment before beginning the process. Patience must be maintained while teach this child. Once a child adopts and accepts the new atmosphere it’ll be easier for him adjust. Level of difficulty and information can increase from time to time. Teaching pace may take an upward direction when the child starts to show signs of positive improvement.

Strengths These special children are bestowed with special hidden talents. They are either over hyper or very intelligent. They have the talent to be more observant. If a child can’t hear he can most probably have strength of reading and remembering things. Words and sound may be new to them but sign language being difficult to remember is more convenient for them. Being able to learn more signs can truly depict how effectively his mind works. Weakness These children might be over sensitive due to their disability.

A child who can’t hear properly maybe laughed at, people may pull pranks on him and he may feel very disturbed for not being like everyone. They usual become social outcast and keep their ideas to themselves. Conclusion Any medium through which a child can learn new informational things should be promoted. They should be encouraged and motivated. This will help them get to new avenues in future lives.


Pierson, Kimberly S. ( 2007). What is Occupational Therapy? (Internet). Accessed on June 12, 2009, from http://kidshealth. org/parent/system/ill/occupational_therapy. html#

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