A chosen health or social care environment

In this section, my information pact is going to include a description of a piece of legislation, the Human Rights Act and a code of practise, the Code of Practise for Health and Social Care Workers from the General Social Care Council. The reason why I am describing these laws are because care workers have a responsibility to know the laws that are relevant to the type of work that they are involved in, which helps them to be more responsible and professional in their work.

This will help to make sure that every patient is treated equally, respected and they have their own rights. Also, the law is to help carers to make sure that they are treating patients in the right way and not giving poor care. The Code of Practice for Social Care Workers is a list of statements that describe the standards of professional regulation and practise required of social care workers in their daily work day. This is the first time that standards have been appointed in this way at national level, although many workers have alike standards in place at local level.

The intention is to validate the standards required in social care and guarantee that workers know what standards of regulation employers, colleagues, service users, carers and the public expect of them. The code requires that employers cohere to the standards set out in their code, support social care workers in gaining their code and take suitable action when employers do not meet the expected standards. The code of practice for social care workers exists to raise standards across the whole social care workforce. It is a way to make sure that all employees are carrying out their job properly and also to protect patients in the correct way.

Therefore protecting their patients away from danger, respecting their view and making sure that they carry out their job properly. The humans right act and the code of practice for social workers are linked in making sure that patients and service users rights are protected by having certain laws that you have to follow. They both include laws that make sure a patients safety isn’t put at risk, make the patient feel as if they have trust with their social workers and also they protect a persons rights and their views.

All care work is about improving the client’s quality of life by meeting people’s intellectual, emotional and social needs, as well as their physical needs. One way of doing this is for care practitioners to empower their clients. Care practitioners …

1. 1 Explain what it means to have a duty of care in own work role: A duty of care is a legal obligation imposed on any individual working within the care sector that they adhere to a standard of …

1. 1Explain what it means to have a duty of care in own work role: A duty of care is a legal obligation imposed on any individual working within the care sector that they adhere to a standard of reasonable …

Medical laws have been put into place to protect not only the patient, but also the physicians, nurses, and medical office staff. The laws were put into place to ensure that these professionals follow the correct procedures and steps that …

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