7-day program

This paper has been developed with the aim to evaluate the usefulness of virtual Reality Therapy i. e. , VRT over gradual exposure for the treatment of Social Phobia. Though earlier researches haven’t found any significant difference in the outcome of the above mentioned two techniques, this study has been conducted. In particular, the aim of this formative evaluation is to develop guidelines and content based on the literature analysis, suggestions developed after analyzing both target group and experts.

The methodology is meant for hypothesize that the VRT can be made to perform much better than through the application of a large number of clinical trials individuals while utilizing a 7-day program of CBT. The ultimate objective is to make significant reduction in scores on the Social Phobia Anxiety Inventory (SPAI) and for the group the same concept will relish a better performance on VRT for self treatment than the one which is using CBT with gradual exposure therapy. The preliminary data is being generated while emphasizing the analysis.

Finally, a pilot study was planned in order to generate preliminary data on treatment outcome. The data obtained will undergo summative evaluation being conducted as controlled treatment study with an expectation to make a final judgment on treatment outcome. The formative evaluation method: The data collection method has been divided into phases with initial phases evaluates computer-based VRT with a number of issues being defined and redefined. In turn, the result of this phase would influence the further development of the VRT based treatment. The beginning phase evaluates the answers to a number of questions:

1. What exactly this VRT aims? 2. What is the basis of the target group? (a) What much is the target group accustom with computer based treatment system? (b) What are the set of information and treatment this target group has later been provided? (c) What is the mode of communication with the participant? (d) What characteristics does the target group possess and can be termed as relevant factors? 3. What resources have been made available for enabling VRT? Participants The socially anxious persons mainly volunteers will be the main participants.

The participants would undergo a semi-test interview to ascertain that they are from the group which satisfies following set of criteria: (1) be socially anxious, (2) have no heart- or lung disease, and (3) have no major psychiatric problems which would cause physical harm especially like suicidal thoughts. The participants would vary across gender, marital status, age group, education i. e. , a degree holder or not, and type of job. The common thing would be the presence of psychological problems like social fears causing disturbance to the normal life.

A group of experts would be formed for formative evaluation. The expert group would comprise of two persons with an extensive background in computer technology and multimedia production and two psychologists. The experts would be of above ten years of experience in their domain with interest in social phobia or multimedia production. Assessment The participants would have to undergo the screening process for the above mentioned formative evaluation with a semi-structured interview including a set of 20-30 questions.

DSM-IV would be the helpful in establishing the criteria for social phobia. The questions would range around normal thoughts, reactions and behavior in social situations, onset and duration of social phobia and various other experiences that might have lead to other psychiatric or physiological problems. The unstructured portion of interviews would focus on the details of technology involvement in the treatment of social phobia especially VRT focusing computer simulated systems with multimedia support.

The purpose of this interview is to ascertain the comfort level of an individual in getting treatment through a virtual system Design and procedure and ethical considerations The methodology depends on evaluation of a number of experiences and hence the focus of analysis is basically on qualitative methods. The main thrust to this mode of analysis is to gather relevant information. In addition, many things like relevant research findings, patient medical history, multimedia technology and related products, web-based programs and web-sites would have to be a part of investigation process.

The important portions self-treatment, analysis of resources, technology for therapy etc. must be made a part of the interview. The research process should be publicized enough so that a sizable number of socially anxious persons could be interviewed and be asked to sign an informed consent form. The prospective participants should be made aware of the various intricacies of project and the purpose for their participation. The anonymity of the participants must be guaranteed and on very voluntary basis the participants would be free to quit the ongoing process.

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