Investigation of Badminton Training Program

The invention of Badminton originates back to at least two thousand years ago, where it was a combination of the games battledore and shuttlecock played in ancient Greece, India, and China. “It is known that around 1860, the daughters of the Duke of Beutfort were playing Battledore and Shuttlecock in the great hall of Badminton house, the seat of the Somerset family in Gloucestershire, England. To add a little variety, they rigged up a string across the hall from the doorway to the fireplace and the aim of the game was to try to keep the shuttle going by playing it to each other over the string.

It is believed that Mr. J L Baldwin suggested that it would be more amusing if the shuttle were to be hit away from instead of towards players on the other side of the string. The sport of badminton had been created.” Gloucestershire is now the foundation for the International Badminton Federation. 131 countries are members of the IBF today. Badminton is still the fastest physical sport. The shuttle may leave your ratchet at 200mph. movements such as twisting, running stretching, striking etc is utilized. The objectives of this program analysis are to improve the person’s skills and performance towards the sports. I am also going to observe the player’s strong and weak points. This will be recorded in to a table then fed into graphs; from there I can then make the correct predictions regarding, what to improve and the fitness of the player.

During this training program I will be investigating the physical and mental fitness of my partner; this will be done by performing a various number of tests including questionnaires, physical fitness tests. These acronyms will also be a useful because these will be a guide during my 6 week training program.Badminton is a very fitness demanding sport. There are a great deal of attributes a person needs in order to become successful. The main fitness components are agility, speed, muscular endurance, muscular power and cardio-respiratory endurance. Good hand eye co-ordination is a must in this sport, in order to become successful.

Agility is the ability to change the position of the body and the direction of the body quickly and accurately. This is probably the most vital component in badminton because you need to be able to move around the court so you can return the shuttle. This component can be improved by doing skill drills. For example, you could line up five shuttles, and then carry them over 5 metres to another line individually. This type of exercise will improve your agility, and can also replace a warm-up drill.

Speed is the rate of movement of the body, limb or external object. This links together with agility as you require moving quickly and precisely to the shuttle at all times. The best way to improve speed is to do short sprints. This won’t however return instant results, but because the badminton court isn’t very big, you will eventually get faster. Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or muscle group to perform repeated movements against a load for an extended period of time. This is required in badminton mainly by the racquet hand, using the biceps, triceps and the forearm muscles, as they are used repeatedly throughout the match. To improve this component for badminton, weights of low size should be done with a high level of repetitions.

Muscular power is an explosive muscular force that can be used quickly. This component is important to badminton as you use your muscles in your legs and arms throughout the match. You use your legs running to the shuttle and jumping and your arms when you play each shot. Your arms need very good muscular power when playing the overhead smash, as the shuttle needs to be hit with a great deal of force. To improve this aspect of badminton, you could start a weights program where you lift maximum weights.

Cardio-respiratory endurance is the efficiency of the cardio-respiratory system to be able to take in and deliver oxygen throughout the body. This is important to badminton, as it is needed in long games where you need to restore energy quickly. You could improve this component by going for 30-45 min runs at a sub-maximal effort. Badminton is a very physically demanding sport. It uses many fitness components, and players need to have reasonably ability in these components. Good hand eye co-ordination is also needed to be sure to hit each shot off the middle of the racquet.

Stability of my body refers to the balance of it at all times whether it is in a stationary or moving position. When returning serve I prefer moving backwards because I don’t go back to fast and it is easier for my body to get set in a stable position. For my body to be in a stable position three factors must be included. That is my base of support which for me would be my feet placed on the ground slightly wider than the pelvis this will give me a good stable base therefore allowing me to move either side and back and forth without being off balance.

The centre of gravity of the body when lower to ground provides more stability which will then allow me to have a quicker reaction time because I am well balanced and I will then be able to make a shot on either side or change direction quicker. For the body to be stable it is suggested that it’s line of gravity passes through the middle of its centre of gravity. So for this to happen I need to have my legs spread at the optimal width and torso upright and not leaning if possible when executing a return of serve.

But when heading forwards this does not always happen my line of gravity is outside my centre of gravity because I am leaning forwards and don’t have my knees bent because I was in the action of running forwards. When setting up for the return of serve on the even side of the court I usually start with my left foot as the forward foot and the right as the back and they are positioned near the centre line of the court about halfway up.

My knees are bent slightly for stability and better reaction time and my body weight is positioned centrally adding to my body’s balance. My body positioning is side on allowing me to be able to cover the back, front, left or right side of the service box. My racquet arm is on my forehand side the racquet head is about head height, the elbow is bent which allow me to play any shot and react to any serve, while my non-racquet arm mimics the racquet arm providing me with more balance. While on the odd side of the court most of these things stay the same except the right foot becomes the front foot and my racquet arm is on the backhand side of my body.

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