Football Training Program

My aim for this coursework is to plan, perform, monitor and evaluate a health-related exercise/training programme for a sport of my choice which is football. Background information: I have chosen football because it’s a way to make new friends and to meet new people. Football develops teamwork and co-operation and this helps you in your working life. If you are a good football player you may able to make a career and win lots of money. Football is a sport that burns up your stored body fat and with that your shape improves. It makes you look good and feel good. Football is a sport that is stimulating and enjoyable, it peps you up and it helps you to get rid of aggression.

Sometimes I play football in school, once per week, during lunch time I play cricket on the weekends for 2hrs and on some Saturday’s myself and my cousins go to gym to do cardio exercises for 3hrs without break. My favourite team is F.C.Porto from Portugal, because it’s a team I always supported since little kid, I like it because they win lots of matches, they have good player and they won almost all the championship in Portugal, the reason I like a team from Portugal is because I was born in Portugal.

Rules of football : 1. A goal is scored whenever the ball is forced through the goal and under the bar, except it be thrown by hand. 2. Hands may be used only to stop a ball and place it on the ground before the feet. 3. Kicks must be aimed only at the ball. 4. A player may not kick the ball whilst in the air. 5. No tripping up or heel kicking allowed. 6. Whenever a ball is kicked beyond the side flags, it must be returned by the player who kicked it, from the spot it passed the flag line, in a straight line towards the middle of the ground.

7. When a ball is kicked behind the line of goal, it shall be kicked off from that line by one of the side whose goal it is. 8. No player may stand within six paces of the kicker when he is kicking off. 9. A player is ‘out of play’ immediately he is in front of the ball and must return behind the ball as soon as possible. If the ball is kicked by his own side past a player, he may not touch or kick it, or advance, until one of the other side has first kicked it, or one of his own side has been able to kick it on a level with, or in front of him.

10. No charging allowed when a player is ‘out of play’; that is, immediately the ball is behind him.1- Speed ladders-I used this in my circuit training because I wanted to improve my speed. I had to run around the speed leaders during 60s and try doing most as I could. 2-Dribling skills- I used this on my circuit because I wanted to get better in my skills with the ball, I had to run with the ball around the pins for 6o s. 3-push ups- I wanted to improve my press ups because I’m bad at it, I had to do most as I could in 60 s as well. 4-kicking ball- I had to kick the ball against the wall n try kick it more times as I could kick it in 60s.

5-keep ups- I had keep ups on my circuit planning and had to keep it up 4 long as I could with out drop it. 6-skipping- I choose skipping to improve my jumping skills, and I did very well on it. Jumped during 60s. 7-Bench raisers- I chose bench raisers because it’s good for your and improves your arm muscles. I had to do most as I could during 1 minute. 8-hip raisers- I choose these because its very good for who does football and it improves your legss muscles. SAFETY There are three phases to a warm-up: aerobic phase, stretch and flexibility phase, and skills and intensive exercise phase.

The time immediately before the main activity is crucial. This is the period when the body can prepare for rigorous physical activity. There is no set time for a warm-up. It should be adapted to the demands of the sport and the age of the performer. By warming up, the body systems, muscles and joints gradually become used to working harder. This gradual increase of stress on the body reduces the risk of injury. The pulse and the body temperature are raised to nearer the working rate.

Concentrating on the warm-up activities will concentrate the mind. By focusing in this way an advantage may be gained over the opposition by having a better start to a match. In the warm-up phase of team sports there needs to be an opportunity to practice the basic skills of the game and the start to think collectively as a team. The warm-up creates a link between rest and the main activity. The timing between the two is stressing the muscles and joints, like sprinting, are used in the event then these should be included at the end of the warm-up session.

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