Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer is the second common cause of death after cardiovascular diseases worldwide according to the American Cancer Society (2007). The Philippines has the ninth highest incidence rate of breast cancer in the world, citing a medical study showing that 50 out of 100,000 Filipino women have been diagnosed with breast cancer. It is also one of the most leading mortality among women in the Philippines. According to the article published by Manila Times (2008), breast cancer continues to be the top killer of women who are of ages 35 to 54 all over the world.

More than 500,000 women suffer and die from this cancer every day, and more than a million die from this cancer without knowing it. Moreover, the American Cancer Society (2005) states all women are at risk for breast cancer. The two most significant risk factors are being female and getting older. But nowadays, it has been noted that it increasingly affects younger women as early as the age of twenty. Macabudbud (2012) of Manila Health Department stated on her talk regarding breast care that “Fifty percent (50%) of Breast Cancer are curable and Thirty-three percent (33%) are preventable, so early detection means greater curability.

” In addition, the American Cancer Society (2007) has recommended monthly Breast Self Examination to aid in the early detection of Breast Cancer and that women must perform breast self-exam once they reach their 20s, and should be told about the benefits and limitations of self-examination of the breast. By examining the breasts on a monthly basis, a woman is likely to notice changes, including dimpling, swelling, and nipple discharges which are signs of breast cancer.

The researchers were concerned about this aspect of the reproductive health, due to another factor of having breast cancer, which is genetic predisposition. One of the members has been concerned of getting this cancer as both sides of her family had the said disease. The researcher’s grandmother (maternal side) has died of breast cancer at the age of 65 and presently, her aunt (paternal side) has been diagnosed with the same disease at the age of 39. It has been noted that they fail to recognize the symptoms of breast cancer, particularly palpating for cysts or tumor.

In addition with this concern, the researchers asked some students regarding the examination of their breasts and they admit that they are not practicing self-examination of the breast monthly, and some were not confident enough with the way that they do it with themselves. Although many Filipino women do regular breast self examination, a local study revealed that only fifty-four percent (54%) had ever done a breast self examination, of whom only twenty-seven percent (27%) are still practicing it at an average of 9.

2 times a year. There are still a remarkable number of these women who does not practice Breast Care. Furthermore, according to this study, common reasons given for not doing the breast self examination included: no symptoms, busy, do not know how, do not like, do not think important, always forget, afraid and not aware (Breast Cancer Awareness, 2006). Performing Breast Care regularly can help women become more familiar with their breast and be more skilled in determining what is normal and what is not.

While most women are aware of monthly breast self examination, many still do not know how to perform it properly. In lieu with the increasing incidence, the researchers strongly agree that prevention is way lot better than cure, but the best way to prevent breast cancer is through health education. According to World Health Organization (WHO), Health Education is concerned with the change in knowledge and attitude of people. It concentrates on developing such health practices as are believed to bring about the best possible state of well being.

The researchers’ endeavour for health education are mainly to help the Adamsonian female students to develop a sound physique, to acquaint them with the proper procedures on breast care, to promote the appreciation of the health programs undertaken by the school regarding Breast Cancer Prevention and to improve the necessary materials for the execution of the said programs. The main objective of this study is to describe the knowledge and attitude on breast care of the female students of Adamson University and to emphasize the importance of breast care to the students.

Results of this study could be use as a basis in formulating a health teaching guide on breast care for the Adamson University clinic. The researchers supposed if the students’ eyes are opened earlier to the current reproductive health situation, the better the results will be. Statement of the Problem This study aimed to determine the knowledge and attitude of the female students of Adamson University regarding Breast Care. Specifically, the researchers sought to answer the following questions: 1.

What are the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of : 2. 1 Age 2. 2 Menarche 2. 3 History of Breast Health Problems in the Family 2. 4 Source of Health Information 2. What is the level of Knowledge of the respondents on breast care? 3. What is the level of Attitude of the respondents on breast care? Significance of the Study This study determined the knowledge and attitude of the female students of Adamson University on Breast Care. Results of this study will be beneficial to the following:

Adamson University Students, by uplifting the Spirit of St. Vincent de Paul and Social responsibility throughout the study, we would like our fellow Adamson Students to mainly benefit with this study by enhancing their understanding and awareness about breast care. This would help them also in preventing breast cancer in the near future. School Administrators/ University Clinic, this study will lend a hand to the school administrators to easily disseminate the importance of breast care to the university students for health education purposes.

The university clinic will also benefit to the study by having a basis on what programs that they should implement regarding breast cancer prevention. And consequently, improving the university clinic’s prior programs for health education among students and having an effective execution of the said program. Significant Others, this study will have a bird’s eye view of the advantages of breast care among women not only for the students but also with their relatives and friends. In line with the enhancement of their knowledge and attitude, they are encouraged to perform it regularly.

Nursing Education, this study will uphold quality education for nursing students by having a reference or literature to better understand the practice of breast care. This would also impart knowledge about breast care examinations among students in Adamson University so that student nurses can be a health advocate especially for female students in regards for the prevention of Breast Cancer. Nursing Research, this study will serve as a guide for future studies. It will be an eye-opener to the previous studies for it to be updated in relation to breast care examination.

Nursing Practice, this study will help the health care providers in rendering health teachings and health promotion regarding breast care examination that will aid in amplifying the quality of health care and become more competent as they learn about the different ways in preventing Breast Cancer. Nursing Profession, this study will help them to generate new ideas and skills in educating their clients to become more aware in handling their own health especially the health promotion of breast care to prevent disease and also, they will become more equipped in their careers in the future.

Theoretical Framework Figure 1. A Theoretical Framework illustrating the connection involving variables considered in this study. This framework for motivating people to take positive health actions that uses the desire to avoid a negative health consequence as the prime motivation. The Health Belief Model has frequently been applied to breast cancer awareness such as the Breast Self – Examination. The model stipulates that health – related behavior is influenced by a person`s perception of the threat posed by a health problem and by the value associated with her action to reduce that threat.

Behavior is also a result of the belief that a certain action will benefit the individual and that this benefit will out weight any barriers. The investigation of attitudinal components of health related behavior has been important. If attitudes related to health behavior can be identified, health protection interventions for attitudinal change can be developed, and an increase in desirable health behavior would result. The Health Belief Model is likewise based upon the idea that an individual must have the willingness to participate in health interventions and believe being healthy is a highly valued outcome.

Definition of Terms The following terms were operationally and conceptually used in the study: Attitude. This pertains to the habitual engagement of oneself in performing breast care. Awareness. It refers to the level of knowledge of the respondents on the purpose and skills in performing Breast Self Exam. Breast. This pertains to organ that will be assessed by the respondents. “This refers to either of the pair of mammary glands extending from the front of the chest in pubescent and adult human females and some other mammals.

” (Merriam – Webster) Breast Care. This pertains to the manner on how the respondents will prevent breast problems. “This refers to a practical way to care for the breast and to check for changes, such as lumps or thickenings, which may signal breast problems. ” (Hofstetter, 2006) Breast Self – Examination. It refers to the monthly examination of the breast for detection of any changes in breast size, shape and colour of the skin as well as in the nipples and discharges. Care.

This pertains to the means of showing concern by the students towards their breast. “This refers to a term showing affection practice of loving kindness and equanimity within context of caring consciousness. ” (Jean Watson, 2001) Demographic Profile. It refers to the set of data which includes personal details about the subjects specifically the age of the respondents; menarche; history of breast related problems in the family; and sources of health information. Female. This pertains to a person or individual performing breast care.

Foundation. This pertains to the basis of the study. “This refers a structural plan or basis of a project. ” Knowledge. It pertains to the amount of information that the respondents have regarding breast care. Students. The term pertains to the female students of Adamson University who are enrolled in the summer class S. Y. 2011-2012. Scope and Limitation The study focused only on the knowledge and attitude towards breast care. It also included only the female students of Adamson University.

The respondents of this research study were those who are taking up College of Business Administration, College of Pharmacy, College of Sciences, College of Engineering, and College of Architecture regardless of year level. The data was gathered within a period of two months during the summer class of the school year 2012- 2013. The male students were not included in the study. Another limitation of the study is the skills of the respondents towards breast care. The researchers were not able to include other government and private schools in Metro Manila.

Cancer is very common among people of all ages. There are many different types of cancer and certain ones affect certain ages more. Among older people there are certain cancers that affect their age group more than others. One cancer …

One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. * * Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women. * Each year it is estimated that over 220,000 women in the United States will …

Breast cancer is a frightening disease. It can be fatal, and while two thirds of the cases occur among mature women, it also strikes younger females and about nine thousand males each year. The fear generated by breast cancer is …

Less than 1% of all breast cancer occurs in men, and although the disease is rare, the incidence appears to be increasing. Because men usually do not suspect breast cancer when they feel a lump in the breast, diagnosis frequently …

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